DOORS – Digital Incubator for Museums comes to support museums at a moment in which attitudes towards the digitalisation of the sector are changing. The accelerated pace of technological and digital developments and the pressure coming from the competition with on-demand content creates not only haunting insecurity but also a strong desire for change in the sector. Regarded with less scepticism, the digital transformation of museums is now seen as a necessary, urgent, even exciting endeavour. It’s time to develop strategies that incorporate the digital into the DNA of institutions to foster pro-active, rather than reactive digital transformations.

Urajärven kartanon ystävät ry with cooperation of Ometta Softworks have created a Pilot called AR Quest: Urajarvi Mansion. We have been chosen from over 120 other project to join first stage of Doors project.

Project “AR Quest: Urajärvi Mansion” is innovative application of Augmented Reality for different purposes at museum premisses. Testing new ways of showcasing history, artefacts, and memorabilia of Heideman family will make visiting museum fun and exciting all over the year. We will also learn what types of experiences our visitors like best, and how it affects sightseeing. This project will combine use of 3d photogrammetry technique, digitalisation of museum collection, new web-based technology, and gamification elements. According to visitors’ preferences we develop further most popular AR experiences. Our pilot project targets few fields of digitalisation – web-based AR, photogrammetry, digitalisation, and publication of different artefacts in user friendly way.

As a company we have redesigned museum web site ( developed 6 AR experiences which are available on site, 5 AR experiences which can be accessed by web page. 


Projektimme AR Quest: Urajärvi Mansion pääsi ”Doors Digital Incubator for Museums” -projektin toiseen vaiheeseen ja olemme yksi kahdestakymmenestä valituista ja ainoana Suomesta!
Aloitamme museomme muuttamisen luomalla uuden ja jännittävän digitaalisen kerroksen näyttelyymme ja jakamalla sen kanssasi.
Olemme iloisia saadessamme tämän rahoituksen ja voidessamme aloittaa uuden luvun kartanomuseomme kehittämisessä.


Tämä e-julkaisu valottaa museomme digitaalista matkaa, esitellen innovatiivisia strategioita ja näkökulmia, joita olemme omaksuneet vastataksemme nykyaikaisen yleisömme tarpeisiin. Tämä on ainutlaatuinen tilaisuus syventyä museon digitaaliseen maailmaan ja ymmärtää sen merkitys kulttuuriperinnön säilyttämisessä ja esittämisessä. Kutsuamme teidät tutustumaan ja ammentamaan inspiraatiota tästä julkaisusta.


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DOORS, the Digital Incubator for Museums, co-funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036071, foresees the provision of financial support for eligible activities geared towards achieving the objectives defined by third parties.
DOORS invites small and medium-size museums across Europe to submit pilot proposals for a two-stage incubation programme.

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